Curriculum Summary


The correlation between the PLOs and the PEOs.

Table 1. Matrix of the Correlation between Programme Education Objectives (PEO) of the Programme of Physics Education and the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)

 PEO 1 Applying knowledge of physics education, scientific methods to solve problems in their careerPEO 2 Showing critical and creative thinking skills to solve problems in their workPEO 3 Showing an ethical managerial, leadership, collaborative, and communicative attitude to develop themselves in support of their workPEO 4 Developing abilities by applying the principles of lifelong learning through further studies
PLO 1  
PLO 2  
PLO 3  
PLO 4 
PLO 5 
PLO 6  
PLO 7   
PLO 8  
PLO 9  
PLO 10   
PLO 11   

Mapping of Subject-Specific Criteria (ASIIN) with Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)

1.They have sound knowledge of classical physics (mechanics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, vibrations, waves and optics) and are familiar with the fundamentals of quantum, atomic and molecular, nuclear, elementary particle and solid state physics.          
2.They are familiar  with  important  mathematical  methods  used  in  physics  and  can  use these to solve physics problems.          
3.They have an extensive understanding of the fundamental principles of physics, their inherent relation and mathematical formulation and, based on this, have acquired methods suitable for theoretical analysis, modelling and simulation of relevant processes.          
4.They have  applied  their  knowledge  to  physics education problems  in  an  exemplary  manner  and studied some areas in greater depth, thereby acquiring a first basis for problem solving competence.          
5.They have a basic capacity to comprehend physics problems and physics education problems. This will be in general; however, it does not yet facilitate a deeper understanding of current research areas          
6.They are therefore in a position to independently classify physics-based and to some extent  also  interdisciplinary  problems  that  require  a  target-oriented  and  logic-based  approach,  and  to  analyse  and/or  solve  them  by  using  natural  scientific  and  mathematical methods.          
7.They are familiar with basic principles of experimentation, are able to use modern physics measurement methods, and are in a position to assess the significance of results correctly.          
8.They have generally also acquired an overview knowledge in selected other natural science subjects or technical disciplines.          
9.They are able to apply their knowledge to different fields and act responsibly in their professional activity. They are moreover able to recognize new trends  in their subject area and integrate the relevant methodology-possibly after appropriate qualification-into their further work.          
10.They  are  able  to  continuously  and  self-fulfilment  extend  and  deepen  the  knowledge  acquired  in  the  Bachelor’s  degree  programme of Physics Education.  They are familiar with suitable learning strategies (lifelong learning) for this; they are in particular capable of a consecutive Master’s degree programme in principle.          
11.They have gained initial experience with regard to generic qualifications (e.g. time  management,  study  and  work  techniques,  willingness  to  cooperate,  capacity  for  teamwork, ability to communicate and communication techniques, rules of good scientific practice) in their degree programme, and are able to develop these skills further.          
12.They are familiar with the basic elements of the relevant specialized English.          
13.They are able to solve a simple scientific problem and to present their results orally (lecture) and in writing (demonstrated in a Bachelor’s thesis).          


Table 3. The mapping of curriculum content into PLO


NoCourse CodeCourse NameCUPLO
University Compulsory Course
1UNP1.60.1401Religion Education3          
2UNP1.60.1402Pancasila Education2          
4UNP1.60.7401Community Service Program2          
5UNP1.61.2102Administration and Education Supervision2          
6UNP1.60.2403Citizenship Education2          
9UNP1.61.1201Fundamental of Education2         
10UNP1.61.2101Educational Psychologi2          
11UNP1.61.5101Educational Experince 11          
12UNP1.61.5102Guidance and Counseling2          
13UNP1.61.7401Educational Experience 33          
Credits Total28           
NoCourse CodeUniversity Elective Courses Choose 2 of 18
1UNP2.60.1401Basic Natural Science2           
2UNP2.60.1402Ilmu Sosial Basic Culture2          
3UNP2.60.2101Health and Fitness Education2           
4UNP2.60.2102Japanese Language2           
5UNP2.60.2103Multicultural of Education2           
6UNP2.60.2401History of Indonesia Struggle2           
7UNP2.60.2402Disaster Management2          
8UNP2.60.3401Minangkabau Culture2           
9UNP2.60.3402Information and communication technology2           
Credits Total18           
NoCourse CodeFaculty Compulsory Course
1FMA1.60.1303General Physics4         
2FMA1.60.2102General Biology4          
3FMA1.60.2103General Chemistry4          
Credits Tota12           
NoCourse CodeStudy Program Compulsory Course
1FIS1.61.1301Statistics Physics Education3          
2FIS1.61.1302Electronic Instruments and Measurements3          
3FIS1.61.1303Calculus for Physics3          
4FIS1.61.2301Fundamental Physics4         
5FIS1.61.2302Mathematical Physics 13          
6FIS1.61.3302Basic Electronics 13          
7FIS1.61.3304High School Physics Curriculum3          
8FIS1.61.3306Mathematical Physics 23          
10FIS1.61.3308Modern Physics3          
11FIS1.61.3309Algorithms and Programming3          
12FIS1.61.4302Basic Electronics 23          
13FIS1.61.4305Learning Media for Physics3         
15FIS1.61.4308Electricity and Magnetism3          
16FIS1.61.4309Physics Learning Evaluation3          
17FIS1.61.5202Analysis of High School Physics for Grade X3          
18FIS1.61.5203Physics Learning Strategy3          
19FIS1.61.5302Physics Learning Plan3         
20FIS1.61.5304Waves and Optics3          
21FIS1.61.5305Statistical Physics3          
22FIS1.61.5306Quantum Physics3          
23FIS1.61.6202Analysis of High School Physics for Grade XI3          
24FIS1.61.6303Nuclear Physics3          
25FIS1.61.6305Research Methodology and Publication3         
26FIS1.61.6308Solid State Physics3          
27FIS1.61.6309Physics Seminar2        
28FIS1.61.6310English for Physics Education2          
29FIS1.61.6311Classical Physics Experimental1          
30FIS1.61.6312Physics Learning Based on Technology and Disaster2         
31FIS1.61.6313Physics Learning Practice1          
32FIS1.61.7202Analysis of High School Physics for Grade XII3          
33FIS1.61.7301Modern Physics Experimental1         
Credit Total91           
NoCourse CodeFinal Project / Undergraduate Thesis
FIS1.61.8302Undergraduate Thesis6         
Credit Total6           
NoCourse CodeStudy Program Elective Course Choose 8 of 30
1FIS2.61.6201Ilmu material2          
2FIS2.61.6302Environmental Physics2         
3FIS2.61.6304Earth and Space Science2          
4FIS2.61.7201Misconceptions of Physics and Remediation2        
5FIS2.61.7306Physics Learning Design Models2        
6FIS2.61.7307Innovative Learning Models2        
7FIS2.61.8201Capita Selecta of Physics Education2        
8FIS2.61.8304E-Learning of Physics2        
9FIS2.61.8305Integrated Science Learning2        
10FIS2.61.8306Environmental Studies in Physics Learning2         
11FIS2.61.8307Literacy in Physics Learnin2        
12FIS2.61.8308Computer-Based Assessment2        
13FIS2.61.8310Entrepreneurship for Physics2         
14FIS2.61.8311Physics Laboratory Management2        
15FIS2.61.8312Applied Physics2        
Credit Total30           


1 In UNP, referring to 2019/2020 academic handbook, 1 CU for bachelor degree equals to 3 workhours per week or 170 minutes (50’ face to face learning, 60’ structured learning, and 60’ independent learning). In one semester, courses are conducted in 14 weeks (excluding mid- and end-term exam). Thus, 1 CU equals to 39.67 workhours per semester.

2 1 CU equals to 1.58 ECTS, assuming that 1 ECTS equals to 28.56 workhours per semester.

Tabel 4. Course Structure of Physics Education Study Program

NoSemester 1CreditsSemester 2CreditsSemester 3CreditsSemester 4Credits
1General Physics4General Chemistry4Mathematical Physic 23Basic Electronics 23
2Calculus for Physics3General Biology4Basic Electronics 13Thermodynamics3
3Electronics Instruments and Measurement3Basic Physics4Algorithm and Computer Programming3Electricity and Magnetism3
4Statistics for Physics Education3Mathematical Physic 13Mechanics3Evaluation of Learning Physics3
5Religion Education3Citizenship Education2Modern Physics3Physics Learning Media3
6Pancasila Education2Educational Psychology2Middle School Physics Curriculum3English2
7Basic of Education2Indonesian2Counselling guidance2Elective (UNP)2
8    Entrepreneurship3  
  20 21 23 19
NoSemester 5CreditsSemester 6CreditsSemester 7SKSSemester 8Credits
1Waves and Optics3Solid State Physics3Modern Physics Experiments1Final Project6
2Quantum Physics3Nuclear Physics3Analysis of Physics for Senior High School Class XII3(Elective  2)2*
3Statistical Physics3Research Methodology and Publication3Filed Experience programme 2 (PPL 2)3 (Elective 3)2*
4Physics Learning Plan3Physics Learning Seminar2Real Work Lecture (KKN)2  
5Physics Learning Strategy3Practice Learning Physics1 (Elective 1)2*  
6Analysis of Physics for Senior High School Class X3Classical Physics Experiments1    
7English for Physics Education2Analysis of Physics for Senior High School Class XI3    
8Filed Experience programme 1 (PPL 1)1Elective 22    
   Administration and Supervision Education2    
  21 20 11 10

The courses in the Department of Physics consist of theoretical (T), practical (P), and field courses (L). The following details the number of semester credits for courses in Physics Education Study Program.

Table 6. Summary of credit unit (CU) and ECTS of each semester in the UPPE

Credit Total147232.9656